Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to put the SB-600 into remote mode

How to put the SB-600 into remote mode

For Advanced Wireless Lighting, you need to activate the wireless remote flash mode on the SB-600.

  1. Switch on the SB-600 flash.
    Turn on the SB-600
  2. Go into the custom settings menu (CSM) by pressing the – (MINUS) and ZOOM buttons simultaneously and holding them down for two seconds. I prefer to press and hold the MINUS button first before I press and hold the ZOOM button. Once you're in the CSM menu, press the – (MINUS) or + (PLUS) button to cycle through the available options until you see the wiggly arrow icon. This icon represents the remote mode, and has two values, OFF or ON.
    Going into the SB-600 custom menu
  3. Use either the ZOOM or MODE buttons to toggle the wireless remote flash mode option between OFF and ON. Press once on the ON / OFF power button to save the setting value and exit the CSM menu.
    Changing and saving option values in the SB-600's CSM menu
  4. Once you've exited from the CSM, you'll need to set the CH and GROUP values. CH represents the communication channel your camera, SB-800 or SU-800 will use to communicate with the SB-600, so choose any number between 1 and 4. But if you're using the built-in flash on the D70 / D70s to communicate with the SB-600, you're restricted to using only Channel 3. If there's another photographer in the vicinity who's also using Nikon's CLS (creative lighting system), make sure the both of you use different channels. If the SB-600 will be your primary remote flash, it's usual to put it in Group A. For this example, a remote SB-800 was my primary flash and already assigned to Group A, so I put the SB-600 in Group B. With each speedlight assigned to a different group, I can control the flash output levels of my SB-800 and SB-600 independently of each other.
    Setting CH and GROUP values on the SB-600

Now, set up the camera so that it can communicate wirelessly with the SB-600. For the following example, I'm using the built-in popup flash on my Nikon D300 to communicate and trigger the SB-600.

  1. Press the menu button on the D300 and navigate to the Custom Setting Menu.
    Activate Custom Setting Menu on the Nikon D300
  2. Next, select Flash cntrl for built-in flash. The default value for this option is TTL, but we're going to change that in the next step.
    Select Flash cntrl for built-in flash on the Nikon D300
  3. Select the Commander Mode option. Now you will be able to wirelessly control one or more remote SB-600 / SB-800 flash units using the D300's popup flash.
    Selecting Commander Mode for the Nikon D300's built-in flash
  4. Set flash exposure modes and compensation plus communication channel options here. If you recall, I had my SB-800 assigned to Group A while the SB-600 was assigned to Group B. In this example, I don't want the built-in flash to contribute any illumination to the scene, hence the double dashes (–). Group A (aka the SB-800) is on Manual exposure at 1/8. Group B (aka the SB-600) is on TTL with flash compensation of +1.0 EV. All this is achieved just by dialling in the necessary values here – I don't have to go to each flash to adjust its output level or exposure mode. Finally, the Channel is set to 3 so that my camera's popup flash can communicate with the other remote speedlights, which were also configured to Channel 3.
    Setting the flash exposure mode and compensation on the remote flash units, and the communication channel

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Process of cancelling Singapore PR

source: http://deliciouslifes.blogspot.com/2008/06/process-of-cancelling-singapore-pr.html

This is an email from a friend of mine who surrendered his PR in case I need to do it too. I think its exactly what you need:

Cancelling PR
Go down to SiR/ICA (or whatever they call themselves at this moment) and inform the information counter that you want to cancel your PR. Be sure to take your passport, IC and the entry permit. They will take you into an interview room. Don't worry, no one will interview you. A pleasant officer will let you ask you if you had any dependant PRs (no). She will inform that once PR is cancelled, a social visit visa will be issued for a month and that will help you finish off all work and leave Singapore. She will take back your IC and entry permit and cancel the re-entry permt. Then she will stamp a 1 month social visit from that day and give you one half of the disembarkation form/card. She will also give you a letter stating that ICA has accepted your PR cancellation request and that you have returned the IC as well as the entry permit. Keep this letter safely.

To the CPF board
Take the letter you got from ICA and go down to the CPF board. They will use this letter to close your CPF account. For quicker processing, pass them a bank account number in Singapore to remit your CPF amount. If I am not mistaken, they can also provide demand drafts (issued in your name only) etc. and send it to your permanent address overseas, if you cant wait in Singapore for the money to arrive in the bank. Bring along some document showing that you indeed have that account. One of the month's statement of account will do. Else you will be asked to sign an indemption form. They will need about 10 working days (i.e excluding Sunday and public holidays) to get the money into your account. I got the amount in my DBS account on the 9th day. If your employer has to pay any more CPF money to you, they will give you a letter instructing your company that you have closed your CPF account and that any amount (employer or employee contribution) still due to you should be paid to you directly. Take this letter and pass it to your company. They should then be able to give you the money directly. They will have to fill up the reverse section of that letter and send it back to CPF board.

Go down to IRAS and get an IR21 form. This form is to be filled when someone is permanently leaving Singapore and the taxes have to be settled. Get the company to fill it for you and return it to IRAS. Companies that use e-filing can fill the IR21 form online. Ask your employer if this can be done, so that you don't have to run to IRAS twice. IRAS will then compute the tax that you should be paying. Pay it. Note that the CPF board will ask IRAS for an "OK" with respect to your taxes before they credit the CPF money to you. If you have not filled in the IR21 form and not filed your taxes, IRAS will not give the green light to CPF board. If you are rushing (as I was), do let the IRAS officer know your emergency. They may help you by expediting the process. Ofcourse for this, e-filing will not work. Person-to-person contact works wonders in these cases. They took about 5 working days in my case.

That should cover everything that you will need to do in a normal case when dealing with ICA, IRAS and CPF board.

My notes:
1. has to settle all outstanding taxes before giving up the PR status.
2. view the procedure details here

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jeanie 和 Mini Choo 的生日buffet

[White Balance] Hotel Artificial yellowish light source


1/6 f3.5 ISO640
no flash

After WB adjustment in Lightroom using WB selector tools

Only Fired flash, and the original photo looks like:

1/6 f4.2 ISO640
built-in iTTL-BL -1.0EV (Temp:2950, about 1m from subject)

The flash makes the color of the subject looks more natural or blueish while maintaining the yellowish ambient at the background.


1/6 f4.2 ISO500
built-in iTTL-BL -1.3EV (about 2m from subject)

With the same aperture and shuttle speed, 1/6 f4.2, still can see the yellowish background. But subject is under-exposed due to -1.3EV of flash and too far from subject.

So, change the aperture and flash EV, we got:

1/20 f4.2 ISO500
built-in iTTL-BL -0.3EV

The background is less yellowish and darker. While the subject turns blueish. This may due to stronger flash and faster shuttle speed. Hence has shorter time to capture the yellowish lighting but the blueish flash instead.

1. To see the yellowish ambient background, used shuttle speed less than 1/15.
2. The flash light becomes blueish under incandescent WB. So can properly use it together with shuttle speed to have a subject that is not so yellowish. Too strong flash or faster shuttle speed would turn the subject blueish.
3. To prevent yellowish subject under hotel lighting, use flash(under incandescent WB or other WB that has lower color temp) properly so that the subject less yellowish

Tuesday, March 24, 2009









這是第二次做紅糟,第一次是那種加水,中間要拌個幾次的食譜,我每次做這一類的都會發霉,上次是做花椒白菜泡菜,因為很想唸台灣寧記火鍋的花椒泡菜,自己 做了一次,結果發綠霉,就丟了,真可惜,光聞就很香說~~後來做紅糟,也是有點發霉,是白色的霉,一般都說白色的霉是安全的,但顧慮到我家那隻紅豬沒我們 黃種的強,還是乖乖把一大桶丟了,好吧~每次這種醃漬物,只要加水和半途要打開透氣翻翻,都會發霉,還是試試這個全米酒的紅糟食譜吧~~

在等的過程,我沒事都會去看看,就像在照顧小寶寶一樣的,這次終於成功了~~做法中,有些食譜要求要用熱水燙容器和所有器具,我懶(可能也是容易發霉的原 因吧~),還要再燒一鍋熱水,也有的是要求要用米酒,那真的很傷呢~~我這次食譜的米酒量較多,就是怕發霉呀~~呵呵~~




做好紅糟後,我馬上買了些排骨來做,這些是到costco買的,所以比一般的台灣排骨厚,要先打一打,再去醃,醃的時間也要比較久才會夠味,我是用煎的, 比較健康也方便(就是懶得去炸啦~),真是好吃啊~~如果用炸的,應該更好吃吧~~可惜姊妹倆不愛吃,剩的只好分片冷凍嘍~~不過,可能酒夠強,每次吃都 會有點”茫”,呵呵~~


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


5、将干海带放进大米缸里(缸用砖块垫起隔潮),可以杀虫和掏霉菌。方法是100公斤大米约放1公斤干海带,7天后可杀死96%以上粉螨和蛾类害虫,并吸 收大米3%的水分。海带经短时间晾晒,就可排放出吸收的水分,这时再放入米缸中,仍可继续使用。此法无毒、无害、花钱少见效快,此方法也适用于其它粮食的 防虫。海带可以防止大米生霉。在100公斤大米中放1公斤海带,可杀死害虫、抑制霉菌。但海带每隔10天左右要取出10分钟后再放入大米中。一份海带可反 复使用20余次。
7、花椒防虫保存法:花椒是一种自然抗氧化物,具有特殊的香味,有驱虫作用。具体方法是将20至30粒花椒放在锅内,加适量水(以能湿透盛米口袋为宜)置 炉火上煮出花椒香味后端锅离火,将盛米口袋放入花椒水中湿透后取出晾干,然后将大米倒入口袋内。另用纱布包几小包花椒,分放在米袋的上、中、底部,扎紧袋 口,将米袋放在阴凉通风处,即可防止大米生虫。

Thursday, February 26, 2009






1. 酵素肥料/酵素1cc: 水100cc
2. 酵素殺蟲劑(昆蟲)/酵素1cc:水1000cc 水
3. 酵素空氣清新劑/酵素1cc:水200cc
4. 種植花草水果/酵素1cc:水500cc
5. 消毒用/酵素1cc:水500cc
6. 洗髮液、沐浴露、洗衣液、洗碗用/酵素1cc:10倍水